Saturday, August 04, 2007

Calling Beta Testers

I have essentially finalized my lessons for my course, and I am ready to accept beta testers. Please email me at if you are interested in being a beta tester. Here is a formal introduction to the course:

As many of you know, I had that staking thread on two plus two where I got over 200 replies from people interested in being staked by me. Obviously, I had to say no to a lot of people, but it got me thinking about how I could help a bunch of people out. I get asked to coach individuals all the time, and I turn them down for a couple reasons. First, the pure economics of coaching - it kills your EV/hourly/whatever. Of course, I think this fact shouldn't matter if you get enough intrinsic satisfaction from coaching, which many people do (myself included). However, 1 on 1 coaching is exactly that - one person. I would rather be more efficient with my time.

I like helping small stakes players. Quite frankly, I don't see too much joy in helping some guy who is crushing nl400/600 become a winning player at nl1000. However, I love the idea of helping a breakeven/losing/winning small stakes guy really start to find his place, and eventually move up and compete in a different game.

Obviously you read my blog, and I assume that you read a lot of my posts on two plus two. You have seen that I have a different approach to the game than most HSNL players. I don’t play unless I’m playing my best, and a host of other criteria. Poker is so psychological, both internally and between opponents. I focus on those types of things a lot.

I’m also decent at poker :). When I came up with this idea, I was hoping that the name I’ve worked to make for myself, and the high quality nature of my posts/blog entries would suffice in terms of validating my ability. But, I am being told by marketing experts to use numbers, so: I am a winning player at 10/20NL (big winner) and 25/50NL (not as big :P), and for example have made well over 200k this summer.

So, what is this idea? I want to teach a seminar. 10 hours, over the course of about a month. I want ten students at a time. The lessons will be taught over skype, or an alternate voice program if I come across something better. Before the course, I will distribute a quiz to students, and they will fill it out and return it to me. I will go over the quiz, and my expectations during the first class. The remaining classes will be split up as follows:

Class 1 – An approach to the game/Quiz Review
Class 2 – Theory
Class 3 – Theory
Class 4 – Hand Histories
Class 5 – Theory
Class 6 – Theory
Class 7 – Sweat
Class 8 – HH
Class 9 – Sweat

The theory sessions will consist of me lecturing and providing examples to important theories (for instance, when to fold vs call vs 3bet preflop, and how to exploit 2+2 norms). Hand history classes will entail students each emailing me 1-2 hands, and then going over them all as a group. The sweating sessions are when I will play and the students will sweat me – I will be playing the stakes of the students, so they can see how things such as image and table dynamic tie into one’s play.

I’m really excited for the course and it’s going to be a knockout. I am confident that participants will most likely be able to beat the hell out of their games after taking the course :).

However, I need it tested. That’s where the beta comes in.

In a mutually beneficial situation, you get a much cheaper price for my course, and I get people to give me feedback and tweak things. So, you need to be willing to keep in contact during the course, and also write up a formal review afterwards (whether it be positive or negative). If you are able and willing to do these things, the special beta price is $50/hour, so $500 total for 10 hours. I only need 10 people, and I have a couple already, so please e quick if you are interested. Otherwise, I expect everything to go great, and for more courses to be taught in the future.

Once again, if you are interested, please email me at: . Thanks.


PS I’m still not doing 1 on 1 coaching so don’t ask about that :).


Blogger thaREALdmoney said...

Weird, not alot of interst about this... must just be the blog, im sure on 2+2 is tons of interst.

I can ship u 200$ for the 10 hours, but thats all i could afford.

If you end up needing an extra guy, holler.


2:32 PM  

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