Monday, July 23, 2007

Update Coming Soon

Guys, I promise I will have an update within the next day or two. I will be very busy in August, however, so I'm not sure what I will be able to pull together. On the 27th of July I will be going to the Dominican Republic for a week, and then the day after I get back I'll be off to Vegas for a week. Then, I might go to the shore for a few days. Afterwards, I head back to college.

I do have a funny sidenote. I played in the UB 215 or whatever tournament yesterday, and got 27th! I went out with AJ < KQ, rigged obv.

I will be staking a couple players, and also I am in the middle of setting up a seminar-type course, consisting of 10 hours/classes over about a one month period ONLY for SSNL players. This course will hold 10 people, and it will be a combination of theory lessons, hand history reviews, and sweating me playing SSNL. I am mapping out everything and I can confidently say I am not really holding anything back in terms of my knowledge of the game. There will be a beta version available to try for only $50/hr/person, so let me know if you are interested in being one of the beta testers for it.


PS. I'm really serious about that update!


Blogger thaREALdmoney said...

That seminar thing sounds like a decent idea, mainly because it makes it a bit cheaper for us small stakes guys to afford some type of coaching.

I would be interested.

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll beta. Fistdantilus on 2+2

5:57 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I'd be interested in the beta greg. I think it's a great idea for ssnlers to get some coaching.

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could use some beta coaching too - Zelvak on 2+2.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Mitch said...

im interested in beta testing. SpecT on 2p2

3:46 AM  

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