Friday, June 08, 2007

Running Badly

I try to keep my head up and not write about running badly, as it happens to everyone, but I have to right now. The last two days, I have REALLY focused on playing. I have played well I think, but I have just not won the big pots when I was all in. Here are the biggest pots I have played in the last two days, where I am -13k at 25/50 (overall I am up 3k which I am proud of). For speed and to avoid anything else I will just post suckouts as opposed to coolers as well:
I make a tough call and get rewarded! Can't even win the side pot to break even vs 97o, lollll
This guy had my number all night, and by had my number I mean got it in behind and won every time.
Tough call in a 3bet pot.
3% to win, 22% to win, VICTORY!
I get floated.

Then there was the standard I was value betting/trying to get the money in and I was beat. That happened a lot so I'll just spare you there.

That's all for now. Enjoy the sadistic nature of the game.



Blogger snowbank said...

you update lots.

hope you are running better.

1:15 AM  
Blogger m3taphysic said...


I thought id try get intouch here because couldnt through 2+2. Hope you can respond.

I currently play 10nl (yes 10nl) because im a student ive had to cash out most of my bankroll. I have graphs to proove im a winning player at upto 100nl and a very good 50nl winning player. I have about 40k hands in total ranging from 25nl to 200nl (although i didnt play many 200nl hands).

At the moment im grinding 10nl to build up my roll, but its tough when you dont have much money at all, and im having to cashout a buyin every so often.

I can send you graphs and stats from this year if you are interested in staking me at these levels.

On a side note, im planning to play about 10k hands a week, i usually multi-table for 2 to 3 hours a day.


3:03 AM  

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