Friday, April 20, 2007


I apologize. I've gotten lots of IMs and emails worried about my downswing, and how it was unlike me. Firstly and most importantly, thank you for the comments. It's really cool that people actually read this blog, and care enough to see if I am mentally ok.

Nextly, the post was a joke. It was a delayed April fools joke because no one would ever believe the post if I made it on April 1. So I made it on April 1 + 0, or the tenth. If you highlight the black area under my name in the last post, you will find that it is a joke. Either way I'm sorry that I didn't make something more obvious.

With that said, karma kicked me in the ass the next day, and I *did* tilt, and I *did* lose 20k in a session where I shouldn't have. I didn't sit there and throw away 10 buyins at 10/20, but the tilt part was be trying to get unstuck a few grand by sitting hu vs some guy on UB who had humungous stacks on every table. At this 25/50 table, he had 55k. His name was gimme_nutz, who I later found out was Durrr.

I actually thought that I was outplaying him, and that my style combated pretty well against his. I had worked my stack up to about 9.2k from profit, and then he won about a grand. I was 3betting him enough to not get credit for a huge hand when I did, but not to the point where he would think I had any two suited or connected cards, either. Here was a really sick hand that I quit after, because I knew I would life tilt if I kept playing. I wanted to c/c any non-club because he (remember I didn't know it was Durrr) was pretty aggressive. Pretty sick river.

Ultimate Bet - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $25/$50 Blinds - 2 Players - (

Hero (BB): $7941
SB: $55238.90

Preflop: Hero is dealt Kh Ad (2 Players)
SB raises to $150, Hero raises to $550, SB calls $400

Flop: ($1100) 8c 9s 2c (2 Players)
Hero bets $750, SB calls $750

Turn: ($2600) Kc (2 Players)
Hero bets $1800, SB calls $1800

River: ($6200) Ts (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets all-in for $52138.90, Hero calls all-in for $4841
Uncalled bet of $47297.90 returned to SB

Pot Size: $15882 ($1 Rake)

SB had Qs Jc (straight, king high)
Hero had Kh Ad (a pair of kings)

Anyway, the rest of hte month has been pretty not that great. I've played poorly an ran badly as well, resulting in me being up something like 10k. The issue is I don't have too much money online, because I cashed out for taxes, and since then I'm down like 30k (I absolutley blasted off the first three days of this month), so I'm a little low in the FTP account. I'm still gonna prob play 10/20 pretty frequently, but really only when I feel like it. I'd like to grind some 5/10 as well, as I consider that free money a lot of time. I think I'm gonna stop playing PLO as well, because when I do I'm never mentally focused, or it's just randomly thrown in with NLHE. Or I play at like 5 am when I'm very tired. So, that's done for a while.

Lastly, I'm pledging to make this blog better, and get back to posting more frequently, mainly because there are a decent amount of people reading this. I guess by definition you guys enjoy my posts, so I will post more often. Anyway, I'm off to the gf this weekend at Penn State, so I'll probably only play a limited amount. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you later.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol durr

3:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gimme_nuts....i love to watch you play on UB! i wish i had your kind of money to play! i'm just a girl with a dream! you can catch me on UB my screen name is sara-stevens... Keep makin money man!

11:57 AM  

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