The Month of June
Sorry about the last of updates. I've been very busy... (playing poker obv).
Anyway, I got a summer job as an athletic trainer at a local facility, and will be resume boosting for the next couple weeks. The trainers are all really cool and I used to train with them so I know them and it's a lot of fun. We go to various local high schools to train teams in different sports. I am training a local HS football team so far, and also a women's field hockey team which is different. Next week I interestingly go back to my old HS and train the football team there. Back to poker.
I started off June ~8 tabling 1/2 NL and making good money on that. However, I took a shot around the 14th or so at 2/4 and mentally malfunctioned. I moved back down to 200 for a while and then moved up to 400 and stopped playing like a little baby. I outplayed a lot of people IMO and did very well. I remember my summer goal was $30k and potentially $35k if I really pushed myself. Well, in June I really pushed myself. I played on average 4 hours a day, and racked up over 75k hands.
For the month of June, I made over $25k! And, rakeback got me over $2000 more. In total, my earnings were nearly $28k. Here is a link to a graph and PT stats of my month.
I made a lot of money, but the rakeback was huge on the side. Luckily, I can get you rakeback too if you want it. Just e-mail me at mynameizgreg @ . I will work with you to get it; it really makes a difference.
My July goals are 75k hands, $30k from poker. My plan is to play 2/4NL for the first 15 days of the month, and then to begin incorporating 3/6 in the latter half. By August, assuming I don't lose everything, I would like to begin playing 3/6 full time.
Lastly, I would like to thank my coach jkrantz because he has been a crux in my development as a poker player. If you possibly are interested in coaching you can contact me with your information and I will pass it on to him. I am not sure if he has time right now but I will certainly check.
That's all for now, and hopefully I'll get an update soon. Good luck at the tables.
Anyway, I got a summer job as an athletic trainer at a local facility, and will be resume boosting for the next couple weeks. The trainers are all really cool and I used to train with them so I know them and it's a lot of fun. We go to various local high schools to train teams in different sports. I am training a local HS football team so far, and also a women's field hockey team which is different. Next week I interestingly go back to my old HS and train the football team there. Back to poker.
I started off June ~8 tabling 1/2 NL and making good money on that. However, I took a shot around the 14th or so at 2/4 and mentally malfunctioned. I moved back down to 200 for a while and then moved up to 400 and stopped playing like a little baby. I outplayed a lot of people IMO and did very well. I remember my summer goal was $30k and potentially $35k if I really pushed myself. Well, in June I really pushed myself. I played on average 4 hours a day, and racked up over 75k hands.
For the month of June, I made over $25k! And, rakeback got me over $2000 more. In total, my earnings were nearly $28k. Here is a link to a graph and PT stats of my month.
I made a lot of money, but the rakeback was huge on the side. Luckily, I can get you rakeback too if you want it. Just e-mail me at mynameizgreg @ . I will work with you to get it; it really makes a difference.
My July goals are 75k hands, $30k from poker. My plan is to play 2/4NL for the first 15 days of the month, and then to begin incorporating 3/6 in the latter half. By August, assuming I don't lose everything, I would like to begin playing 3/6 full time.
Lastly, I would like to thank my coach jkrantz because he has been a crux in my development as a poker player. If you possibly are interested in coaching you can contact me with your information and I will pass it on to him. I am not sure if he has time right now but I will certainly check.
That's all for now, and hopefully I'll get an update soon. Good luck at the tables.
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Poker sites take something out of every pot played and this is what we call "rake". In most cases it is capped at $3. If there are 10 players in a game and the rake is $3 then every player has paid $0.30c in rake for that hand. This is how they make a lot of money out of players and is why they compete against each other for a larger portion on the market.
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Texas Hold'em is played with a deck of 52 cards. Sequences alternate game by betting rounds. Each player in a round of betting selected from the following four options: Fold: The player left his cards in the middle of the table and does not play until the next hand. Call: put the player with his chips to put into the pot an amount equal to the last bid. If the carpet is less than the amount required to achieve the final bid, it can stay in the game provided to bet all the chips he has left: it is said in All Raise, the player increases the auction and one set sum greater than the last bet, players who have completed before the stimulus have three options: fold and lose the money already committed to follow the stimulus or to check-raise: during the first round of betting if nobody raises the player in the big blind and it does not want to revive it then announces check (or speech). In the following rounds, the first player to commit check can also say this means that the floor to the next player without betting. A player may pass as another did not bet if he can only fold, call or raise. free-bonus-for start of betting (except the first) can be concluded without any player has bet, in poker texas holdem open as we speak of free cards (free card). The betting round ends when all players but one have folded, the last player now carrying the pot, or when all players have bet an amount equal to the last raise was made to the table or even s' they all tchecké. The donor can then continue the game. The game ends when there is one player in the game and the others are lying or when there is more round of betting. This last phase is called slaughter and hands of poker players are compared.
Give and betting structure in poker texas holdem
Even before the cards are dealt the two players to the left of the dealer must pay the blinds. The player who has the token donor, also called the button, the cards, unless of course there is the presence of a dealer, it then distributes the cards, but who has the button is still called donor. The distribution is done in two rounds schedules, one card is dealt face down to uk poker player at the end of two rounds all players have two cards face down which only they have knowledge. It is the player's responsibility to protect his hand, especially when it becomes aware of his game these are the only two cards that the player will receive individually, they will be that eventually revealed at showdown (slaughter).
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