Thursday, April 20, 2006

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. Here, I will chonicle my journey as a poker player. First, let me tell you a little about myself. I am an 18 year old college freshman who attends Wake Forest University. Outside of poker, I enjoy working out, and attempt to do moderately well in school. I am a Health and Exercise Science major.

Now that introductions are out of the way, we can get into the point of this blog more. I want to track my progress in poker, as I am always striving to get better and eventually move up in stakes. I am a no limit holdem player, and I play NL200. In a month or two, I want to move up to NL400. When I get bored, I play heads up SnG's on Party ($11s), and SnG's in general. Today, I experimented a little bit with B2B and playing the SnG's there. Basically, I was able to play 6 tables fine without paying attention to them. Although it was a small sample size, I didn't need to pay attention at all and this will be very convenient if I am clearing a BJ bonus or want to watch TV, etc.

I recently have hired a coach to help me with my cash game play, as I want to completely conquer the current level before moving onto the next. I feel like I am playing too many hands for NL200, as my image really isn't paid attention to that much. Otherwise, I feel I am moderately successful, but I feel like recently I have just run into some bad situations. I'll try to post some hands, and if nothing else, give updates about the day/week depending on how much I play. We are in crunch time with school as finals are coming up, but I'm tired and rambling so that will be all for today. Here is what I did poker-wise:

NL200: 895 hands, -$722.73
Party 11s HU: 2 tournaments, +$18
B2B 11s/5.5s: 57 tournaments, +$493.08
Total: -$211.65

Although I lost overall today, I did have about a 70% ROI in the tournaments. Also, I got set over setted twice today, including QQQ vs. turned AAA, which is always fun. If those hands go my way, I'm up about $450 on the day, so it could be worse. Anyway, I have a lesson tomorrow at 7, where we're going to discuss preflop play, and I hope to get a good session in. My 9:30 tomorrow got cancelled, so I only have 1:30-2:45 Human Physiology tomorrow. I should be able to get to the gym, do some schoolwork, probably not play any of the B2B tournaments during peak hours (4-8:30 EST), and have my lesson at 7. Should be somewhat eventful. Until then, "play well."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:20 AM  

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