Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm backkkkkkkkkkk

Alright, so I'm updating this blog again, and with a kind of new twist. It's going to kind of get away from poker poker poker, and be more like life poker. I'm trying to reevaluate my life, and figure out what I'm doing exactly, and where I'm going. I don't feel lost, nor empty, I just feel like I'm rolling through each day and just getting to the next. I'm not sure what that means, but obviously it's something semi-significant.

I'm working out again, which is a pretty big step for me. After lifting for about 4.5 years without more than a week's break, I, for whatever reason, felt that I should take about a 3 week break during finals last spring. Afterwards, I just never felt like going back. I didn't have the desire, and I'm sure poker had something to do with it.

Somehow I managed a 3.3 last semester while waiting until the last minute on everything, mainly/probably because of poker. This semester I'm not going to screw around as much, and I'm, going to get stuff done on time.

I have some really thoughts from time to time, and it's difficult because I feel like I'm starting to find an answer to an unknown question, but my thoughts stop in the middle of it. Think of figuring out the first 13 letters of the alphabet, then suddently stopping.

I'm getting back into poker again, and feeling better about that. I will be putting in less hours though, and trying not to play during the day so I can accomplish other things I need to do. Then I will reward myself by playing at night. With that said, I'm still pretty sure I can put in hours as good as anyone does, as that has always been my trademark. Right now, I'm playing 3/6 on PS until further review of the play, and 3/6 and 5/10 on UB (and staying away from 10/25 after getting hit and run by a donk HU after a sick suckout, and after losing a 7.5k pot HU with a lesser trips). I'm also going to start lessons back up with Jay, and after my first one I felt like I regained some great stuff. I really like my life plan, and sure, I might not be making AS MUCH money as I could potentially, but I won't feel like I'm going through the motions, I will be happier, and I'll enjoy everything more. And it will be good to actually get my body back to what it once was.

So, I'm not sure what to expect from this blog. Thusly, you shouldn't either. It's going to be pretty strange, but I've been in a pretty strange mood lately as well. I think it'll be interesting though, so stick around. That's all for now,



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