Monday, July 30, 2007

A little update

I am pounding away at a keyboard on some public computer at the dominican right now so I only have time for a small update.

In terms of poker, I am playing very well (running well also). I ended my month 2 nights ago, as I will not be able to play anymore for the rest of the month. I started my session at +89k on the month, and immediately went up about 7k at 10/20. I got excited that I might be able to reach a 100k month. Then, I saw some good 25/50 tables on FTP, and sat down. I don't have the raw HH, but the following hand occured.

1 limper, I raise to 225 with TT on the button, the SB cold calls, 2 to the flop.

9x8x4c. He donks out 300 into the 425, and I make it 1150 I believe. He calls.

9x8x4c 5c. He shoves for a PSB. To me it's pretty obvious that he has one of a couple hands. Clubs, most likely with a pair unless it's TQcc; a slowplayed overpair (probably rare), or 9x try to "protect his hand." I call quickly, and he shows 86c. Obv the river is a club, and I kiss goodbye my 100k month. I wound up 92k I think over only about 31k hands, which I am very satisfied with. Next month I will continue to hop in good 25/50 games, and very soon I will be starting up my seminar, as I have outlined all the details. I am very excited about the program because I am sharing a lot of really good information.

The Domincan is really cool. The weather is nice, but the food and service is mediocre. This is my first non-Spring Break all-inclusive vacation, so I guess it's standard. It's fun hanging out with Danielle and her family, although we almost sent her brother to the hospital last ngiht to pump his stomach.

Hopefully I can send back another update in the coming days, but it's tough without internet.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Update Coming Soon

Guys, I promise I will have an update within the next day or two. I will be very busy in August, however, so I'm not sure what I will be able to pull together. On the 27th of July I will be going to the Dominican Republic for a week, and then the day after I get back I'll be off to Vegas for a week. Then, I might go to the shore for a few days. Afterwards, I head back to college.

I do have a funny sidenote. I played in the UB 215 or whatever tournament yesterday, and got 27th! I went out with AJ < KQ, rigged obv.

I will be staking a couple players, and also I am in the middle of setting up a seminar-type course, consisting of 10 hours/classes over about a one month period ONLY for SSNL players. This course will hold 10 people, and it will be a combination of theory lessons, hand history reviews, and sweating me playing SSNL. I am mapping out everything and I can confidently say I am not really holding anything back in terms of my knowledge of the game. There will be a beta version available to try for only $50/hr/person, so let me know if you are interested in being one of the beta testers for it.


PS. I'm really serious about that update!